DigiScan EX
Countersurveillance search software

  • Designed to search for surveillance devices with the utilization of wide-band receivers AR8200, AR3000A, AR5000, AR8000, IC-R10, IC-R8500, IC-PCR1000
  • Can detect any type of a FM/AM transmitter in a range up to 3000 MHz, including those installed in a room or car, body-carried, connected to a telephone line and those with their own or an external power source
  • When using the optional VLF converter DS-Line the software can also detect transmitters of acoustics through telephone lines or AC wires and transmitters of acoustics which use infra-red beams in the range 5 kHz - 2 MHz
  • Thanks to special program tests the DigiScan-2000/DigiScan EX can detect eavesdropping devices with open transmission channels and those encrypted by spectrum inverse
  • The search is based on a scan of the frequency range, finding active signals, saving them into a database and performing a series of test which estimate the Danger Level of each signal
  • Searching can be accomplished automatically with the help of the pre-programmed scheduler. Each task in the scheduler has its own duration and start time. Activation of the scheduler's tasks by the watchdog timer is possible.
  • High probability of detection. A number of active and passive tests are applied to each new signal. These are: Passive Amplitude Correlation (PAC), Semi-Passive Amplitude Correlation (SPAC), Active Amplitude Correlation (AAC), Active Spectrum Correlation (ASC), Active Parametrical Correlation (APC), Harmonics Presence Test (HPT).
  • Automatic sound recording and automatic printout of the danger signal list
  • Notification to the operator after the detection of a danger signal
  • Silent search in passive modes
  • Automatic sound flooding of a room
  • Accurate signal separation from the bandscope
  • Localization of the bugging device and printout of the results
  • Support of the 'friendly signal database
  • Multi-sector threshold in the band scopes
  • Printout of a signal's spectrum and its characteristics
  • Digital oscilloscope and spectroscope
  • Support of scaleable bandscopes
  • Compatible with Windows 98/2000/XP and all types of soundcards

Picture 1. View of the searching set based on the DigiScan EX

Picture 2. View of the software

Supplied set

The DigiScan EX consists of the following:
1) Main software disk
2) HASP protection key for USB port
3) Active correlation microphone with 10 m cord
4) Microphone power supply

Optional accessories

  • DS-Line - converter for testing telephone lines, communications and AC wires
  • IR-LINE - probe for testing the infra-red range for the presence of IR bugging devices
  • US-LINE - probe for testing the ultra-sound range
  • CC-8200 - interface RS-232 for connecting receiver AR8200 to a computer
  • CT-17 - interface RS-232 for connecting receiver IC-R10 to a computer
  • ANT-LINE - external antenna for the receiver. Allows avoidance of interference from the computer on which the software is run
  • cable RS-232 for connecting AR3000A, AR5000, IC-R8500 to a computer

Computer requirements

  • Processor: Pentium-166 or higher
  • Memory: 32 Mb or more
  • Optimal configuration Pentium-II-400 with 64Mb
  • Full-duplex soundcard with 'Line' sound input. Computers with only 'Mic' sound inputs can be used but with some limitation to the functionality (passive tests and the location function will not be available)
  • Free COM and USB port
  • Active Speakers
  • Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP

Picture 14. Receiver AR8200 and optional accessories


Passive Amplitude Correlation
Semi-Passive Amplitude Correlation


Active Amplitude Correlation
Active Spectrum Correlation
Active Parametrical Correlation
Harmonic Presence Test
Watchdog timer
Classification of the signal by the danger level
Automatic recording of sound from dangerous signal
Choice of qualities for recording
Automatic printing of dangerous signals
Printing of signal's spectrum
Manual printing of signals
Notification to the operator about danger detection
Silent search in passive modes
Localization of a bugging device and printout of the results
Automatic sound flooding of a room
Friendly signal database
Mode of filling in the database with friendly signal
Multisection threshold
Direct tuning of threshold in bandscope
Mode of studying general volume of frequencies
Simultaneous bandscope displaying
Bandscopes of maxs, mins, average
Choosing of bandscope's color and background
Continious signal update mode
Tuning of "signal's from database" bandwidth
Working on a laptop without Line input with limited functionality
Adjustment of sensitivity of signal's recognition
Adjustment of ASC/APC volume
Lock of a signal in a database

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